New NCGRT Director

New NCGRT Director

Professor Peter Cook has been appointed interim Director of Flinders University’s National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training, following Professor Craig Simmons’ secondment to the Australian Research Council. Professor Cook worked with the CSIRO for more than 20 years before moving to Flinders University where he was Deputy Director of the NCGRT between 2009 and

Groundwater use could be significant source of carbon dioxide

A new study points to groundwater depletion being a major source of carbon dioxide emissions, with estimates that U.S. groundwater depletion could be responsible for releasing 1.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere every year. Humans may be adding large amounts of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by using groundwater faster than it

2017 NCGRT IAH Distinguished Lecture

Last chance to register for the 2017 NCGRT IAH Distinguished Lecture presented by Dr Glen Walker Climate Change and Australian Groundwater: Current State of Knowledge and Future Responses The climate shift in south-western Western Australia and the Millennium Drought has highlighted the need to better understand how water resources will be affected by changing climate across Australia.

Regulating the cumulative impacts of groundwater withdrawals: Australia and further afield.

The National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training and International Association of Hydrogeologists  are pleased to have Dr. Rebecca Nelson as the 2016 NCGRT / IAH Distinguished Lecturer. Dr. Nelson will tour every state and territory in Australia to deliver her lecture entitled: Regulating the cumulative impacts of groundwater withdrawals: Australia and further afield. Abstract:

Australasian Groundwater Conference 2017 – Save the Date

The 2017 bi-annual Australasian Groundwater Conference is being convened by IAH and UNSW in Sydney, 11-13 July, 2013. The theme for the conference will be Groundwater Futures: Science to Practice. An engaging three-day event is planned that will enable delegates to examine the multi-dimensional challenges affecting the sustainable development of the regions groundwater resources. Engaging panels,

New Atlas of Australia’s Great Artesian Basin

Geoscience Australia has recently released the most comprehensive mapping report on Australia’s largest groundwater basin. The report has been developed in the form of an Atlas – providing valuable information to assist water managers and communities to make more informed decisions towards sustainable management of this vast water resource. The Hydrogeological Atlas of the Great

Introduction to Groundwater Geochemistry

ALGA will be presenting Bill Deutsch’s Introduction to Groundwater Geochemistry course in Perth and Brisbane during November. This is an introductory geochemistry course for scientists and engineers working in the field of groundwater site characterization, contamination, and remediation. It is designed to provide basic information on geochemistry that is necessary to understand natural and contaminated systems

Hydrogeology in Mining – Call for Papers

Hydrogeology in Mining: a one day conference to be held in Adelaide SA, 1 May 2015. Following the success of AIG South Australia Branch’s inaugural hydrogeology conference in 2014, the organisers invite proposals for presentations (call for papers) about hydrogeology in mining: exploration, geophysics, water supply, dewatering, impact assessment, monitoring, compliance, closure etc; or an

Hydrogeologists to meet in Adelaide

AIG’s South Australia Branch hydrogeology group will be holding their inaugural meeting on Wednesday 1st October at the Wakefield Hotel, Adelaide.  The speaker will be Tavis Kleinig (Water Quality Branch of the EPA, Senior Hydrogeologist) and his talk topic is  ‘The EPA and Groundwater – From AMD to UCG’.   The success of the recent

CSIRO Mineral Exploration Seminars this November

The CSIRO Mineral Resources Flagship will hold two mining and exploration seminars in Mount Isa, Qld and Perth WA during November. The first seminar on Monday the 10th November 2014 at the Ibis Styles in Mount Isa will examine the latest research into exploration concepts and tools being developed by the Mineral Resources Flagship in CSIRO. Presentations