Geology for Society report launch at the European Parliament

Geology for Society report launch at the European Parliament

Geology is the study of the Earth’s structure and history. It underpins the provision of resources to society and industry, delivers a wide range of essential services, and helps us understand how we can live more sustainably on our planet. Industries which depend on geology are major contributors to economic growth and stability, generate significant

A Geologist in Afghanistan – the adventures of a foolish geoscientist?

A Geologist in Afghanistan – the adventures of a foolish geoscientist? GPIC February talk, Tuesday 10th February 2015, presented by James Llorca FAIG, FAusIMM, FSEG, Team Leader – Component II Mineral & Capacity Development, USAID – MIDAS Project. The talk is a presentation on the adventures of a possibly misguided geologist working in a war zone. It covers

Geology from Geophysics

Geology from Geophysics – a one day symposium presented by ASEG in conjunction with ASEG-PESA 2015 With exploration increasingly taking place ion areas with poor outcrop or under significant cover, the need for explorationists to obtain geological information from geophysical data has never been greater. Intended for geoscientists working in the minerals industry, this 1

Terroir of the Adelaide Hills Wine Region

AIG’s South Australia Branch is conducting a study tour examining the terroir of the Adelaide Hills Wine Region, 6th December 2014.   The tour will visit four wineries in the Adelaide Hills Wine Region: Murdoch Hill, Goldings Wines, Paracombe Premium Wines and Ngeringa; to study aspects of the terroir of the various vineyards. We will be

BIG Data: Inspiring Information and Strategic Knowledge

BIG Data, Inspiring Information and Strategic Knowledge, is being presented in Perth WA 23-24 March 2015 by AIG and Geoscientists Symposia. This international symposium will examine data management and effective data conversion to knowledge that delivers growth in the exploration and mining sectors. The latest symposium circular is available here If you are interested in presenting a paper,

Videos from Perth Mineral Systems Seminar Available on AIG’s YouTube Channel

Mineral Systems: Advances from traditional ore deposit models This seminar was presented by AIG W.A. Branch in Perth, 11 August, 2014.  Videos of each presentation are available on the AIG YouTube channel.  Links are provided to each video below. Keynote Presentation: Cam McCuaig, Centre for Exploration Targeting, University of Western Australia The Mineral System Concept: the