Australia’s geoscientist employment slump enters its third year

Australia’s geoscientist employment slump enters its third year

Employment prospects for Australia’s professional geoscientists deteriorated even further in the opening quarter of 2016, driven down by mining’s negativity and dashing hopes for an improvement in the geoscientist employment situation. Around half of the unemployed has now been jobless in the sector for 12 months – and around two thirds of jobless have no

Australian Geoscientist Employment Survey Q4 2015

The December quarter 2015 Australian Geoscientist Employment Survey is now open for submissions.  In view of the holiday season, the survey will receive submissions until 29th January. Please use the embedded survey form (below – requires Java) or follow this link if you experience any problems. Sincere thanks for your ongoing support of this initiative.

Latest Australian Geoscientist Employment Survey Results Show No Signs of Improvement

The results of the Australian Geoscientist Employment Survey for the September Quarter of 2015 show no improvement in employment prospects for Australia’s struggling geoscientists. The survey recorded the highest levels of geoscientist unemployment and underemployment since the survey series commenced in 2009. Australian geoscientist unemployment in the September quarter of 2015 was 15.5% nationally, up