Digital: AIG News 119: March 2015

Publication Shop Australian Institute of Geoscientists > AIG News > Digital: AIG News 119: March 2015




Inside this issue…

From Your President; Institute News; Education News; Membership Updates; Registered Professional Geoscientists Approvals & Applications; What reporting Portable XRF or any other Assay Results to 2012 JORC Code Standards should mean Australia’s Unique National Rock Garden; ASEG 2015 Lindsay Ingall Memorial Award presented to prominent WA geophysicists Michael Denith and Stephen Mudge; Plastiglomerate; The constancy of change and the new catastrophism: a personal reflection on crisis-driven science; 4th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Universities Geoscience Educators Network (AUGEN); Geoscientists’ Employment concerns realised with unemployment again on the rise; AIG/IAH Field Trip 2014: Ballarat Area, 28th & 29th November 2014; Mining Booms in the History of Western Australia; Book review: GSWA publication “Australia goes it alone”, the emerging island continent 100 Ma to present, by AE Cockbain; Readers Letters; AIG Council & AIG News; Events Calendar