This page provides links to interesting and useful geoscience organisations and information globally. To propose a new link for this page send an email to
Automated Mineralogy | Automated mineralogy is a discussion group covering many aspects of mineralogy and mineral identification. |
Earth Science Picture of the Day | Earth Science Picture of the Day is a great source of images highlighting the diversity of earth science. The site highlights the diverse processes and phenomena which shape our planet and our lives. EPOD will collect and archive photos, imagery, graphics, and artwork with short explanatory captions and links exemplifying features within the Earth system. The community is invited to contribute digital imagery, short captions and relevant links. |
European Geologist Journal | The journal of the European Federation of Geologists. The journal is published twice a year and carries articles on geological issues, both technical, professional and other matters. | | A general interest site with news and information about geology and earth science |
Geology Degree | A Facebook page designed to attract students to geoscience studies, maintained by |
Georepository | Georepository is a repository of geodetic parameter data – a useful resource for GIS users |
GeoscienceWorld | A comprehensive Internet resource for research across the geosciences, built on a database of peer-reviewed journals and integrated with GeoRef. GSW is a registered non-profit organization. |
Mindat | – the mineral and locality database. in May 2014, featured 44,120 mineral names (inc. synonyms, varieties, etc). 246,103 different localities. 590,294 member photos. |
Science Daily: Geology | ScienceDaily is one of the Internet’s most popular science news web sites. Since starting in 1995, the award-winning site has earned the loyalty of students, researchers, healthcare professionals, government agencies, educators and the general public around the world. Now with more than 3 million monthly visitors, ScienceDaily generates nearly 15 million page views a month and is steadily growing in its global audience. |
Visible Geology | Visible Geology was started by Rowan Cockett in a undergraduate engineering geology class at the University of Calgary, Canada. There were many class activities that involved visualizations, for example, failure wedges, road cuts, and volume calculations. Rowan wrote a few simple implementations in MATLAB, and then got a little bit carried away. The site provides an on-line platform for three dimensional visualisation of block models. |
Webmineral | Automated mineralogy discussion group |
Wikipedia: List of Geoscience Organisations | A list of world geoscience organisations on Wikipedia |