NExUS Professional Development Workshops: Exploration Through Cover: Fundamentals of Regolith and Exploration Geochemistry

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NExUS Professional Development Workshops: Exploration Through Cover: Fundamentals of Regolith and Exploration Geochemistry

NExUS Professional Development Workshops
Online Workshop

Exploration Through Cover: Fundamentals of Regolith and Exploration Geochemistry


Date & Time

8th-9th June 2021
(Limited to 30 places)



Online Workshop


Presented by

Carmen Krapf, Ignacio González-Álvarez and Richard Lilly

Dr. Carmen Krapf is a Principal Geologist with the Geological Survey of South Australia who has extensive experience in cover characterisation and regolith mapping. She is working on a wide variety of mineral resource related issues within South Australia including sedimentary copper as well as extractive resources. Carmen has contributed to NExUS since 2016 and is passionate in geoscience education.


Dr. Richard Lilly is the NExUS Program Leader and embedded research fellow at the University of Adelaide. While working for Mount Isa Mines (2007-2015) he gained extensive field experience using geochemistry to explore for Iron Oxide Copper-Gold (IOCG) and sediment-hosted (Cu-Pb-Zn) targets in covered terrain.


Dr. Ignacio ‘Nacho’ González-Álvarez is a Principal Geochemist at CSIRO with special interest in landscape evolution, weathering processes, trace element mobility in the continental crust and multi-scale mineral exploration under cover. He is the current chair of the Australian Regolith Geoscience Alliance (ARGA).

This two-day online course* aims to introduce the fundamentals of regolith, landscape evolution, regolith mapping, and techniques used in modern exploration geochemistry.

Each day will feature 3 x 2hr sessions (9.30-11.30am, 12.30-2.30pm, 3.30-5.30pm ACST) with exercises to be completed between the sessions and time allocated for extended discussions.

The format aims for open, transparent communication, with input from participants highly
encouraged to share knowledge and experiences.


Day 1

Session 1: An introduction to the fundamentals of regolith, regolith materials, and landforms.
Session 2: Focus on Australasian regolith-forming processes, landscape evolution and their implications to geochemical dispersion processes and mineral exploration.
Session 3: Regolith mapping and data sources

Day 2

Session 1: Introduction to exploration geochemistry, geochemical dispersion mechanisms, sample media and analysis methods.
Session 2: Review of conventional (outcrop and gossan) geochemistry, geobotany and biogeochemistry.
Session 3: Review the ‘geochemists tool kit’ including selective/partial extraction techniques and a range of deposit case studies and panel discussion.



Full Registration: $500
AIG and GSA Members: $400
Students: $100




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