Modernising Australia’s Datum: Drivers and Processes for the Move to GDA2020

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Events > ASEG, Australia, datum, GDA2020 > Modernising Australia’s Datum: Drivers and Processes for the Move to GDA2020

Modernising Australia’s Datum: Drivers and Processes for the Move to GDA2020


    Date(s) - Tuesday, 30/10/2018
    5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

  • Category(ies)

ASEG Queensland Branch October Meeting.

Talk to be presented by Matt Higgins.

Matt Higgins is Manager of Geodesy and Positioning in the Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy. He is also President of the Australian based IGNSS Society and a Member of Australia’s National Positioning Infrastructure Advisory Board. In 2013, the NASA Administrator appointed Matt to the U.S. Position, Navigation and Timing Advisory Board, which is a Presidential committee that advises the U.S. Government on GPS-related policy, planning and funding issues. He has also been a Co-Chair of a Working Group of the United Nations International Committee on GNSS. He is a past Vice President and current Honorary Member of the International Federation of Surveyors and an Honorary Fellow of Australia’s Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute.