GSA Coal Geology Group Short Course: Fundamentals for Coal Geologists

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Events > GSA Coal Geology Group Short Course: Fundamentals for Coal Geologists

GSA Coal Geology Group Short Course: Fundamentals for Coal Geologists

GSA Coal Geology Group Short Course: Fundamentals for Coal Geologists


This course has been developed by a sub-committee of the Coalfield Geology Council of NSW (CGC NSW) liaising with experienced university lecturers in response to the substantial reduction in the teaching of coal geology in universities, especially in NSW.

Course Program (more detailed program to come)

  • Coal sedimentology and its use in developing predictive models.
  • Coal petrography
  • Coal logging and identification
  • Coal seam gas
  • Coal quality

Course Leaders

Emeritus Prof Joan Esterle (University of Qld)
Dr Tim Moore (Managing Director, Cipher Consulting Pty Ltd)
Mr Anthony Williams (Manager Utilisation Technology, A&B Mylec Pty Ltd)
Dr Bruce Atkinson (Director – Basacon Services Pty Ltd)


FREE – please register HERE.

The course is sponsored by the CGC NSW, GSA CGG, Centennial, Glencore and Yancoal.

The CGC NSW sub-committee hopes that this course will address some of the gaps that industry is seeing in recent graduates who have had little, if any, exposure to sedimentology and coal geology.

  • Date and time

    21 and 22 November 2023
    10:00AM to 4:00PM AEDT

  • Location
