GOLD24 Short Course: Gold in Time and Space

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GOLD24 Short Course: Gold in Time and Space

GOLD24 Short Course: Gold in Time and Space

By Rich Goldfarb, Caitlin Jones and Neil Phillips
Thursday 17 to Friday 18 October 2024 at The University Club of WA

This course will comprise a first day focused on the key features of gold ores that yield the most critical factors for the discovery of economic ores. The focus will be on gold in metamorphic terranes (particularly mineral economics, ore and alteration mineralogy, geochemistry, structure, timing, post-ore modifications, and crustal fluid types). The 2nd day will provide descriptions of the world’s most significant gold provinces and deposits formed over 3 billion years of Earth history, including Mesoarchean and Neoarchean examples in cratonic
greenstone environments, some Phanerozoic examples in sedimentary rockdominant accretionary orogens, and briefly some Cu-Au associations.


Rich Goldfarb

Rich was a research geologist at the U.S. Geological Survey for 36 years where his studies focused on global metallogeny, geology of ore deposits in the North American Cordillera with emphasis on orogenic gold, and geochemical applications to the understanding of ore genesis. He was awarded the SGA Gold Medal in 2022 and SEG Gold Medal in 2023 for his full career contributions to economic geology, but senility has yet to set in so he is still active in gold targeting throughout the world. Rich remains engaged as a research professor at Colorado School of Mines and at the China University of Geosciences Beijing, as well as serving as an independent consultant to the exploration and mining industry.

Caitlin Jones

Caitlin is a Consulting Geoscientist at Tect Geological Consulting in South Africa, where she focusses on the 3D geomodelling of structurally-complex orebodies and their host rock sequences in LeapfrogGeo. Caitlin holds an MSc in Structural and Economic Geology from the University of Stellenbosch. Her research for Barberton Mines (Pty) Ltd focused on the structural controls of hydrothermal fluid flow and gold mineralisation within the Sheba and Fairview Mines of the Barberton Greenstone Belt.

Neil Phillips

Neil has combined industry, academic and government roles in his study and application of gold geology. He provided the synthesis of the Golden Mile geology for the Kalgoorlie Superpit development; he developed, with David Groves, the science that underpinned gold exploration in the Yilgarn Craton from 1980; and with Julian Vearncombe took the geology further to contribute to the exploration and mining successes of the Yandal Gold Province in the 1990s. He is editor of the Australian Ore Deposit monograph, has led the Melbourne Geology of GOLD course for most of its 30 ears, written Formation of gold deposits published by Springer in 2022, and now focusses on Witwatersrand gold geology through his professorial appointments at Melbourne and Stellenbosch Universities.


AIG Members – $900
Non-members – $1,100
Students – $330

Go to the main event page to download the flyer, register or know more about the Gold24 Symposium:

  • Date and time

    17 – 18 Oct 2024
    9AM to 6PM

  • Location

    The University Club of WA