Geophysics for the Mineral Exploration Geoscientist

Geophysics for the Mineral Exploration Geoscientist

Geophysics explorationThe NSW Branches of AIG, GSA and ASEG are presenting a two day short course by Prof. Mike Dennith Geophysics for the Mineral Exploration Geoscientist based on 2014 book of same name.

This two day course provides a state-of-the-art overview of geophysical exploration methods without recourse to complex mathematical descriptions.   It includes descriptions of all the main geophysical methods used in mineral exploration, including gravity, magnetic, electrical, electromagnetic methods.   Course participants are guided through the basic physical phenomena, the acquisition and processing of geophysical data, to the creation of subsurface models and their geological interpretation.

The course:

  1. Explains the cutting-edge current practice in exploration and mining geophysics for the discovery of ‘blind’ mineral deposits.
  2. Gives a practical guide to data acquisition, processing, and accurate interpretation of geophysical datasets.
  3. Includes presentation and analysis of petrophysical data, giving key information on the physical properties of rocks.
  4. Emphasises extraction of maximum geological information from geophysical data, providing explanations of data modelling, and common interpretation pitfalls.
  5. Provides examples from all the main types of mineral deposit around the world.

16 CPD HoursThe course will target practising geoscientists, most likely to be in first ten years of practice, who have had limited exposure to formal education in the application of exploration geophysics, and are keen to build their understanding of this important field of modern mineral discovery technologies in the challenging terrains of Australia, especially where thick sedimentary cover precludes systematic geological mapping and geochemical sampling.

The course will be held in The Barbarian Room, Level 3, The Rugby Club, Rugby Place, off 31 Pitt Street, Sydney.