AIG Symposium: Structural Geology and Resources 2022

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Events > AIG Symposium: Structural Geology and Resources 2022

AIG Symposium: Structural Geology and Resources 2022

Date & Time

18th to 20th October 2022


The symposium will be in the raked lecture theatre at the Western Mining Centre (WMC) at Curtin University School of Mines, MacDonald Street, Kalgoorlie. For the symposium we will be using the adjacent Graduates Hall for social functions, trade displays and lunches.

Short courses will be held in Perth (Pagoda Resort & Spa, Como, Perth) and Kalgoorlie (Hannans Club, 44 Brookman Street, Kalgoorlie).

Following the highly successful symposia Structural Geology and Resources in both 2002 and 2012, the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) will again be running a three-day symposium in Kalgoorlie. The Kalgoorlie symposium will be accompanied with field trips and short courses (in Perth and Kalgoorlie).

  • Symposium themes
  • Tectonic setting of mineralisation
  • Structural controls on mineralisation
  • New developments including data integration
  • 3D modelling
  • Data collection
  • Structure in resource evaluation
  • Case studies structural geology and resources

Symposium keynote speakers

Name Affiliation Title
Tom Blenkinsop by video Cardiff University Failure modes in hydrothermal ore systems
Jun Cowan JUNCOWAN Deciphering structural controls of mineral deposits from a single column grade data
Bruce Hobbs University of Western Australia Analysing the spectrum of hydrothermal mineralising styles
Julia Kramer Bernhard Anglo American Fingerprinting structures with integrated multi-discipline datasets, including hyperspectral and televiewer
Gianreto Manatschal University of Strasbourg Hydrothermal fluids, mass transfer and mineralisation in rift systems and rifted margins
John Miller BHP The challenge of defining what is a material structure in a resource model
Alison Ord University of Western Australia Vein patterns and the fluid pressure distributions in mineralising systems
Jamie Price Cardiff University Structural controls on shear-hosted lode-gold mineralisation in the Yalgoo-Singleton greenstone belt, Western Yilgarn Craton
Francois Robert Consultant, Canada Practical structural implications of the orogenic gold model
Julie Rowland University of Auckland New Zealand’s metal transfer super-highway
James Siddorn SRK, Canada Key structural constraints in the exploration and definition of metallic deposits: from orogenic gold to VMS
Randy Williams University of Wisconsin Rethinking the role of earthquakes in mesothermal ore deposition


SGR KAL22 Timetable


Short Courses and Field Trips

Event Title Speaker(s) Date Venue
Short Course Fluid Transfer during Rifting and Seafloor Spreading recorded in Rift and Rifted Margins Gianreto Manatschal 13th October 2022 Pagoda Resort & Spa, Como, Perth
Short Course Applied Structural Geology in Exploration: From Orogenic Gold to VMS Dr. James Siddorn & Dr. Antoine Cate 14th October 2022 Pagoda Resort & Spa, Como, Perth
Field Trip Classic Geology around Kalgoorlie Bob Fagan 16th October 2022 Kalgoorlie from WMC Centre
Short Course Mineral Systems as Chemical Reactors with no Mathematics Bruce Hobbs & Alison Ord 16th October 2022 Hannans Club, 44 Brookman Street, Kalgoorlie
Field trips Controversies around Au, Structure and Stratigraphy Gerard Tripp 17th October 2022 & 21st October 2022 Kalgoorlie from WMC Centre
Short Course Gold Deposits in Metamorphic and Igneous Environments Neil Phillips 21st October 2022 Hannans Club, 44 Brookman Street, Kalgoorlie
Short Course Stratigraphic and Structural Controls on Archean Lode Gold Deposits in the Yilgarn craton Tom Blenkinsop, Jamie Price & Gerard Tripp 22nd October 2022 Hannans Club, Kalgoorlie

AIG symposium volume

Like 2002 and 2012, the AIG will produce a symposium volume of extended abstracts (about four pages including at least one figure). This will be edited by Julian Vearncombe and papers may be reviewed by the organising committee. Importantly, abstracts should not be advertorials for research programmes or commercial products. For guidance please view the 2012 volume at

Authors are asked to submit Word and JPEG (or similar) files for the abstract volume no later than 1 April 2022. We can achieve final formatting for consistency but please make your abstract similar to the past volumes. Proofs will be sent to authors. A pdf version of the Abstracts Volume will be available by end August 2022. All registrations will receive a digital copy of the abstract volume.

All registrations will receive a digital copy of the abstract volume.

FREE Student Session (Registration Required)

The session on Wednesday afternoon, 19th October, is talks suitable for undergraduate students of geology and mining. We invite students to attend, but note that this applies to full-time genuine students only (no part-time students who are otherwise employed).

Registration is required by email:

If students wish to attend the evening cultural event at the Hannan’s Club there is a charge of $40 and will have to be paid in advance.

  • Registration fees
  • The symposium registration fee for AIG members, members Partner organisations, Sponsors and Trade exhibitors is $1,100.00 including GST.
  • For non-members of the AIG the fee is $1,300.00 including GST.
  • For full-time student, unemployed and retired members of the AIG the fee is $500.00 including GST (this is about the per-person catering costs).
  • All fees and charges are in Australian dollars and include morning and afternoon tea/coffee, lunch and social functions.
  • Short course and field trip fees per day are: AIG members, members Partner organisations, Sponsors and Trade exhibitors $380.00; non-members $440.00; full-time students, unemployed and retired members AIG $120.00.


Trade Exhibitors


More Information

For Further Information Contact: