2023 NExUS South Australian Summer School

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Events > 2023 NExUS South Australian Summer School

2023 NExUS South Australian Summer School

2023 NExUS South Australian Summer School

NExUS is a prestigious summer school for the next generation of Australian exploration geoscientists.

Course Details

NExUS is supported by industry, government geoscience institutions and academia.

Delivered by key figures in industry, government and academia, NExUS participants are exposed to leading exploration concepts and technology to face the challenges of effective exploration through post-mineralisation cover.

The South Australian NExUS Summer School consists of 2-weeks of workshops, interactive lectures and hands-on activities both in the field and in the classroom, with evening networking events with senior representatives from industry and professional organisations.


Attendance to these events is free for students and selected early career geoscientists!

Applications are open now and will close on the 31st July.

To apply

For more information, eligibility and selection process:

Platinum Sponsors

Silver Sponsor

Copper Sponsors
  • Date

    26th November to 10th December 2023

  • Time

    All day

  • Location

    Adelaide University
    Adelaide and Wallaroo (South Australia)