Minerals and Energy Resources

Resources for Future Generations: RFG 2018

Grounded in geoscience, Resources for Future Generations 2018 will serve as a forum for industry, government, academia and other stakeholders to discuss their research as well as the key issues and trends shaping the future delivery of energy, minerals and water resources within the context of sustainable development. About RFG 2018 RFG2018 is the first IUGS

FUTORES II, 4-7 June 2017, Townsville Qld

FUTORES II (Future Understanding of Tectonics, Ores, Resources, Environment and Sustainability) will be held in tropical Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 4-7 June 2017. The conference will address issues related to new understanding in mineral deposits, tectonics, basins, and metallogenesis, new technologies and approaches in mineral and energy resources exploration, including the challenge of exploration in areas with cover, and

Access to Land: Is a new class of exploration permit needed?

Access to land is critical for exploration.  Delays in securing title, however, are becoming recognised globally as an impediment to exploration.  Is a new class of exploration permit, able to be granted and relinquished quickly, providing explorers the ability to conduct non-disturbing, reconnaissance work only, a means of getting “boots on ground” more quickly and at

The Geological Survey of Queensland opens new $5 million drill core storage facility

Queensland’s resources exploration industry now has access to more information thanks to a $5 million expansion of the Queensland Government’s Exploration Data Centre (EDC) at Zillmere on Brisbane’s north side. Minister for Natural Resources and Mines Dr Anthony Lynham and State Member for Nudgee Ms Leanne Linard officially opened the EDC expansion on Thursday, 20th

Inaugural GeoPub – Belo Horizonte, Brazil!

Two AIG members have got together to launch GeoPub in Belo Horizonte, Brazil! The first GeoPub Belo Horizonte will be held on November 24th at Choperia Pinguim. The GeoPub monthly meeting is an opportunity for geoscientists living, working in or visiting the Belo Horizonte area to catch up on community news, have a few drinks, talk

UNCOVER: A call for Australian governments to actively support a world-first initiative

‘Next generation’ of hidden mineral deposits essential to Australia’s continued prosperity and resource security: Governments urged to invest in world-first initiative Australia’s Federal and State governments have a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity to invest in a world-first initiative to find the ‘next generation’ of hidden mineral deposits in Australia to sustain Australia’s high level of economic

Regulating the cumulative impacts of groundwater withdrawals: Australia and further afield.

The National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training and International Association of Hydrogeologists  are pleased to have Dr. Rebecca Nelson as the 2016 NCGRT / IAH Distinguished Lecturer. Dr. Nelson will tour every state and territory in Australia to deliver her lecture entitled: Regulating the cumulative impacts of groundwater withdrawals: Australia and further afield. Abstract:

Gold17@Rotorua Update

Gold17@Rotorua, New Zealand, is fast approaching!  The conference will be held from 21st to 23rd February 2017. The meeting continues the regular series of gold events that commenced with Gold’82 in Zimbabwe and has continued since in southern Africa, Australia and the Americas. This is the first time the event has been held in New

New mining laws commence in Queensland

This week’s commencement of the Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014 (MERCPA) in Queensland comes after a long two-year wait since the Act was passed. ‘The Act includes a set of complex legislative amendments over a range of areas of resource legislation including land access and changes to the restricted land framework,’ Mr Roche

An Introduction to Ground Penetrating Radar

A short course to be presented Dr. Jan Francke Friday 23 September 2016, 1:00 pm for 5:00 pm City West Function Centre, 45 Plaistowe Mews, West Perth WA 6005 $35 registration cost.  (Registration from 12:30.  Drinks and nibbles 5 – 6 pm) Thanks to our sponsors Core Geophysics and Groundradar Inc. for assisting in keeping the