Minerals and Energy Resources

AEGC 2021 moving to a fully virtual event

Due to the ongoing challenges faced with COVID-19 and outbreaks nation-wide, the Organising Committee have made the decision to move AEGC 2021 to a fully virtual event and postpone the in-person Conference until 2023, in line with the next AEGC rotation. Whilst holding a hybrid Conference was originally preferred, the ongoing escalation of the current situation and the

A diamond in the rough

Exploration Radio Episode #42 In 1991, a then 20-something year old Eira Thomas set off to explore for diamonds in the Canadian north. This led to her being involved in the discovery of what was to become the Diavik Diamond mine – Canada’s second major diamond discovery and arguably one of the world’s richest diamond

JORC Code Consultation Survey Results

A summary of the results of the 2021 JORC Code stakeholder consultation survey has been released. The results include an outline of the demographics of respondents as well as the major areas of concern around the content and application of the Code revealed by the survey. The report can be obtained here; http://www.jorc.org/docs/jorc-summary-paper-of-key-issues-and-work-plan.pdf Additionally, there

Exploration Radio Episode 38

The Lost Cities of Gold with Keith Barron Ever since I watched the first Indiana Jones movies as a kid, I always wanted to be a real life version of Indy. The hat, the whip, the character that was so wonderfully embodied by Harrison Ford. Everything about that I just loved. That fascination of being

SEG 100 Conference

SEG IS CELEBRATING ITS 100TH ANNIVERSARY IN 2021 The Society of Economical Geologists (SEG) and the Society of Economic Geologists Canada Foundation invite you to register for the SEG 100 Conference, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to celebrate SEG’s Centenary. SEG 100: Celebrating a Century of Discovery When: September 14-17, 2021 Where: Virtual Event SEG has a rich history and

Kimberley diamond exploration and the discovery of Argyle

AIG is intersted in hearing from explorationists who were involved in diamond exploration in Western Australia’s Kimberley region and the discovery of Argyle. Work has commenced on a new book collecting the experiences of geologists and exploration support staff, presenting a mixture of technical descriptions of exploration strategies and techniques, the work that went into

Present at IMGC 2022

Just over one month remains to submit your abstract for the International Mining Geology Conference 2022. Showcasing industry best practice, the conference will focus on maximising orebody value and driving productivity in mining geology. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore new techniques and emerging technologies providing new solutions to operations. The conference is calling

Australian Mineral Discoverers 1950-2010

Australian Mineral Discovers 1950-2010 has been published recently by the Royal Society of Tasmania. Editors: John Hill, Tony Hope, Ross Large and David Royle Mineral discoveries in the 1950 to 2010 period have been the backbone of wealth creation for all Australians and helped to maintain Australia’s economic position as the “Lucky Country”. However, discovery

Queensland mineral exploration

Exploration expenditure data reported by the Australian Bureau of Statistics paints a grim picture of mineral exploration for Queensland, relative to the rest of Australia.

SGA 2021: Final Call for Session Submissions

16th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) 2021: Final call for session submissions Technical Session Proposal Deadline 7 September 2020SGA 2021 is calling for session proposals for consideration. Selected proposals will be included in the conference programme and are intended to provide an opportunity to share your knowledge and