
Have you contributed to the latest Australian Geoscientist Employment Survey?

The latest instalment in the Australian Geoscientist Employment Survey series is open for contributions until this Saturday 21st July.   The latest instalment in this survey series is designed to provide data on trends in geoscientist employment in Australia during the second quarter (April to June) of 2018. Please contribute to the survey personally, encourage your

Digirock’s vacation work register re-opens 2 July

Perth-based geology consulting and contracting company Digirock helps university students find exploration and mining industry vacation employment opportunities.  The register re-opens for 2018 on 2 July.  Applications close Monday, Sept 3, 2018. AIG commends Digirock for continuing this great initiative.

First Quarter Australian Geoscientist Employment

Jobs setback for Australian geoscientists as 2018 opening quarter cools after improved employment over 2017 The employment recovery amongst Australia’s geoscientists has taken a step backward in the opening quarter of 2018 – cooling by more than four percent after a full year of improved employment outcomes over calendar 2017. Unemployment nationally among geoscientists –

Australian Geoscientist Employment Survey Q1-2018: Your Contribution Counts!

The latest instalment in the Australian Geoscientist Employment Survey series is open for contributions for two weeks, until Saturday 21st April.  This survey is designed to provide data on trends in geoscientist employment in Australia during the first quarter (January to March) of 2018. Please contribute to the survey personally, encourage your peers and colleagues to participate

Employment recovery kicks in!

Signs of light at the end of the unemployment tunnel? The latest AIG Australian Geoscientist Employment Survey results for Q4 2017, reviewed today, show that geoscientist unemployment in Australia fell dramatically from 12.2% in Q3 2017 to 7.0% at the end of Q4. Underemployment also fell from 18.0% to 12.3% in final three months of

Australian Geoscientist Employment Survey: Q4 2017

The latest instalment in the Australian Geoscientist Employment Survey series is open for contributions.  This survey is designed to provide data on trends in geoscientist employment in Australia during the final quarter (September – December) of 2017. Please contribute to the survey personally, encourage your peers and colleagues to participate and share news of the survey

Geoscientist Employment Recovery Stalled

The latest quarterly survey of Australian geoscientist employment, covering the third quarter of 2017, shows that employment prospects for geoscientists have remained unchanged since March 2017, despite anecdotal evidence pointing to an upturn in mining and exploration industry activity.  The survey was conducted during October 2017 by the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG). Figure 1. 

Australian Geoscientist Employment Survey – September 2017

The 2017 September quarter Australian geoscientist employment survey is open for contributions until 21st October.  You can complete the survey here. This survey will provide data on trends in geoscientist employment in Australia during the third (June to September) quarter of 2017. The June 2017 employment survey showed that unemployment and under-employment for geoscientists continued to improve,

What’s Happening with Mineral Exploration in Australia?

This question was the subject of a topical, joint GSA-AIG-AusIMM technical talk in Brisbane during July.  The meeting focussed on the situation in Queensland but many of the issues and ideas have national relevance. Any geoscientist working in mineral exploration in Australia over the past few years will tell you that the sector has been doing it

Inclusion and Diversity in Australian Geoscience

Introduction Inclusion and Diversity is a concept receiving considerable attention in modern workplaces.  Australian exploration and mining sector workplaces are no exception.  A growing number of companies are coming to consider the promotion of inclusion and diversity in workplaces essential to business success and take proactive steps to promote underlying principles and values.  Views of