
Geoscientist employment improves in Q3

Australian geoscientist employment improved marginally in the third quarter of 2019. The latest AIG Australian Geoscientist Employment Survey revealed that unemployment amongst Australian. geoscientists fell to 7.4% at the end of September, down from 9.3% at the end of July. The underemployment rate also fell to 14.1%, from 14.9% for the same period. Australian geoscientist

Q3 2019 Employment Survey open for contributions

The latest AIG Australian geoscientist employment survey is open for contributions until 26 October, 2019.

Burnout at work

A short overtime sprint won’t kill you but, as data from World War One shows, consistently putting in too many hours at work hurts employees and employers. A recent BBC report described esearch on working hours that suggests overwork leads to being less productive, not more. It is also associated with increases in cardiovascular disease, diabetes and

Geoscientist employment: Western Australia at a glance

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Geoscientist employment: Queensland at a glance

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Geoscientist Employment: NSW and ACT at a glance

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Geoscientist employment opportunities continue improvement despite June quarter slowdown

Employment opportunities for Australia’s geoscientists continued to show a very slowl-improving trend, despite disappoini.ng results for the second quarter (April to June).

Exploring a career in the minerals industry

The Geological Society of America (GSA), the American Geosciences Institute (AGI), the American Geophysical Union (AGU), and the Society of Economic Geology will be hosting a webinar entitled Exploring a Career in the Minerals Industry. The webinar will be on Wednesday, 21 August 2019, at 11:00 a.m. MDT. This webinar will feature two presenters from Newmont

Geoscientist employment in Europe

The European Federation of Geologists announces 2018 employment survey results EFG announced the results of the first employment survey of European geoscientists conducted last year. The objectives of the survey were to: Analyse the labour market for geo- logists in Europe: In which industries do professional geologists work? Are their activities related to their training?

Unemployment down but self-employed geoscientists continue to struggle

Unemployment down but self-employed geoscientists continue to struggle.