The Bowen Basin Geologists’ Group (BBGG) has issued a Call for Abstracts for the 2015 Bowen Basin Symposium
The symposium will be held at the Brisbane Convention Centre, South Brisbane, 7th to 9th October, 2015.
Key Dates:
- 250 word Abstract by 30th June 2014
- Acceptance notification by31st July 2014
- Manuscripts due by 13th December 2014
Papers on the following broad themes are sought:
- New Projects / Exploration
- Structural Geology
- Coal Quality
- Global Demand (India / China)
- Carbon Capture and Storage
- Coal Seam Gas
- Safety
- Coal Resource Estimation / JORC
- Geophysics
- Geotechnical Issues
- Hydrogeology
- New Technologies / ACARP / Research
- Environmental Management
- Native Title / Cultural Heritage
Abstracts may be submitted by email to Watch this site for further information.