Drilling for Geologists

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Events > Drilling for Geologists

Drilling for Geologists


Short Training For Mineral Explorationists

Drilling for Geologists

Course Overview

Basic approach to exploration drilling:

  • Access to drill sites and compliance/regulatory requirements
  • Drilling contractor vs geologist cooperation and drilling safety management plan
  • Drilling techniques
  • Techniques of directional drilling
  • Core logging and DH logging technique


Why Take This Training?

Mineral exploration drilling is most important and expensive exploration method.

Geologist must be confident in drilling planning, drilling supervision and obtaining information from drilling.

Who Should Take This Training?

Industry, government and student geologists seeking to work as field geologist to be able to plan and supervise drilling. In addition, the training will enable basic drill core logging and planning for different types of DH surveys.

Training Structure

1 day workshop, 11/8/2023

  • Hands on drilling preparation – ES4 forms, rehabilitation report
  • Drilling safety
  • Drilling techniques including directional drilling and safety at drill rig
  • Basic core logging
  • DH logging application of modern techniques.


Key Outcomes

  • Geologist to be able to organise drilling and supervise drill rig.
  • Introduction to core logging and DH logging if required.



Steve Oxenburgh – Exploration Manager, Magmatic Resources
John Heavey – Senor Geologist, Helix Resources
Bryce Lord – Ophir Drilling, Orange
Vladimir David – Consulting Geologist


AIG members: $100
Non-members: $150
Students/Unemployed/retired: $50
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.

This event is fully booked.


More Information

Click here to download the flyer.

  • Date

    Friday, 11/08/2023

  • Time

    9AM – 5PM

  • Venue

    Lord Anson Hotel
    224 Anson Street, Orange NSW


This event is fully booked.