Seminar Presentations & Videos

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This page provides links to presentations made at AIG meetings, seminars and conferences.

AIG branches will be video recording presentations regularly throughout the year and adding them to the AIG channel on YouTube. Keep up to date with new videos by subscribing to the channel.  Search for AIGAustralia on YouTube, navigate to the channel page and click on the subscribe link.

Follow AIG on our Youtube Channel for all the latest News and Presentations.



21-23 February 2017 – Rotorua, New Zealand

Auriferous Veins of the Klondike Gold District, Yukon, Canada – Presentation
Matthew Grimshaw, R.J. Chapman, G.W. McLeod, D. Banks

Value from Exploration

Julian Vearncombe presented a Distinguished Lecturer tour throughout Australia in the first half of 2016, speaking on “Value from Exploration – a geologists perspective on (gold) data, perceptions and messages”.  A copy of Julian’s presentation is available here for those who couldn’t attend one of the presentations or would like to review it again.

Value in Exploration

Extracting Value from Exploration – AIG W.A. Branch Seminar, 13th July, 2015

Videos of selected presentations are available on the AIG YouTube Channel

The Role of Exploration in a Large Mining Company  Tony Worth

Measuring Non-Technical Risks: Perceptions and Reality  Allan Trench and John Sykes

Creating Value from Brownfields Exploration  Ian Willis

Mines versus Mineralisation  T. Cambell McCuaig, John Vann and John Sykes

Organisational, Technical and Economic Settings for Exploration Success  Tim Craske

Stuff That Wasn’t in Your Job Description  Lisa Chandler

Venture Capital, Angels and Crowdfunding  Alex Atkins

Exploration Success in ” Mature” Gold Regions

The Kundana Pegasus Discovery and Other Examples from the Kalgoorlie District.

A presentation by Darren Cooke, Geology and Long Term Planning Manager, Northern Star Resources.

MEGWA 18 March 2015

The Canadian-Australian Connection: a significant grass roots Zn discovery in the Monashee Mountains of southern British Columbia, Canada, presented by Colin Dunn.

Click here for a PDF copy of the presentation (large file – 41.2 Mbytes)

New Perspectives Banner

The New Perspectives Workshop was presented jointly by AIG Victoria Branch and the AusIMM Central Victoria Branch in Romsey, Victoria, during September 2014.  The seminar included a series of papers describing new developments in the understanding of the tectonics, geology and metallogenesis of southeastern Australia.  Seminar sessions covered the Southeast Lachlan Orocline, Applications for Explorers and a Tectonic Overview of the region.

Southeast Lachlan Orocline

Ross Cayley, Geological Survey of Victoria
The Lachlan Orocline of Eastern Australia. Giant folds, the geodynamic processes that can form them, and how these new understandings have potential to revolutionise the resource prospectivity game in Eastern Australia

Peter Betts, Monash University
Geodynamics of congested subduction zones – implications for evolution of the Tasmanides

Bob Musgrave, Geological Survey of NSW
The underbelly of the Lachlan Orocline: origins and distribution of the middle crust in the Tasmanides

Applications for Explorers

Ross Large, University of Tasmania
A new genetic model for the Bendigo gold deposit

Tim Rawling, AGOS, University of Melbourne
From crustal-scale 3D models to targets: an example workflow for Victorian orogenic gold systems

Tectonic Overview

Dave Huston and David Champion, Geoscience Australia
Early tectonic and metallogenic evolution of the Tasmanides: the Delamerian and Benambran tectonic cycles

Bill Collins, University of Newcastle
Evaluating the Cayley Model in the Southern Thompson Orogen

Follow the links to the abstracts and speaker profiles from the seminar.

The New Perspectives seminar benefitted from the generous support of sponsors.

New Perspectives Sponsors

Mineral Systems: Advances from traditional ore deposit models

This seminar was presented by AIG W.A. Branch in Perth, 11 August, 2014.  Videos of each presentation are available on the AIG YouTube channel.  Links are provided to each video below.

Keynote Presentation

Cam McCuaig, Centre for Exploration Targeting, University of Western Australia

The Mineral System Concept: the key to productive exploration targeting  43:00 m

Trevor Beardsmore, Geological Survey of Western Australia

Minerals systems research in WA – new knowledge leading to new discoveries  34;33 m

Robbie Rowe, AMIRA

Roadmap to UNCOVER  21:15 m

John Walshe, CSIRO

A Mineral System Perspective on Archean Gold Deposits: architecture, fluids and reservoirs, transport and depositional processes  40:55 m

John Miller, Centre for Exploration Targeting, University of Western Australia

Recent developments in understanding the formation of gold mineral systems in the Yilgarn  32:06 m

Jon Hronsky, Western Mining Services

Controls on high-grade gold ore shoots: towards a new paradigm  31:00 m

Ross Large, CODES

Advances and successes in using pyrite trace element chemistry to solve ore genesis, basin fertility and vectoring to ore  37:34 m

Lee Hassan, Geological Survey of Western Australia

A comparison of some VMS mineral systems in the Murchison region  58:26 m

Tony Donaghy, CSA Global

Contrasting strategies for nickel sulphide exploration – no use shaking the apple tree looking for oranges  21:30 m

Chris Wijns, First Quantum Minerals

From mineral systems to the drill hole: predicting and expanding the footprint of sediment-hosted copper deposits  31:43 m

Franco Pirajno, Geological Survey of Western Australia

Rare earths and carbonatites  18:17 m

Paul Duuring, Centre for Exploration Targeting, University of Western Australia

BIF-hosted iron pre from a mineral systems perspective  33:14 m

Panel Discussion

Jon Hronsky, Robbie Rowe, Trevor Beardsmore and Cam McCuaig leqd a discussion of the day’s presentations and the mineral systems concept.  31:48 m

Mineral Systems: advances from traditional ore deposit models was generously sponsored by

  • AMIRA International
  • The Centre for Exploration Targeting, UWA
  • Digirock
  • Western Mining Services (Australia) Pty Ltd
  • CSA Global
  • SRK Consulting
  • First Quantum Minerals

Sincere thanks to our sponsors for their support.

Intrusion Related mineral systems of north-east Queensland: 3 Year Collaborative Research ProjectKidston drill core

A talk to AIG’s Queensland Branch, presented by Vladimir Lisitsin, Brisbane, 12 August 2014.  Click here for a copy of the presentation.

A drillpower rig on display at the Drilling for Geology seminar in Brisbane recently

A drillpower rig on display at the Drilling for Geology seminar in Brisbane recently


Presentations from the ADIA – AIG Drilling for Geology seminar, Brisbane, 1 August 2014

Session 1: Planning and Preparation

Wes Nichols: Being an Exploration SSE ? from go to whoa!

Gerry Harth (DNRM, Queensland): Drilling holes

Julius Marinelli:  Leading practice drill pad methodology

Sessions 2 & 3: The Drilling Stage

Hannah Dwane (Drillpower): An overview of the different drilling methods and applications most commonly utilised within Australia

Bron Smolski (Santos?GLNG): Drilling for hydrogeology

Brent Delany (Zenith): Drilling for coal geologists

Stuart Addinell (CSIRO):  The application of water powered percussive drilling to deep mineral exploration

Angus Forbes (AMC Muds): Drilling fluids for Geologists

Luke Hudson (Reflex): Latest technology for drilling survey control

Session 4: Post Drilling

Glenn Pears (Mira Geoscience): Using down hole rock properties in geological and geophysical interpretation

David Green (GEMS): Improving the collection of coal borehole data with CoalLog

Mark Berry (AMC Consultants): Drilling data inputs to mineral resources ? The importance of good systems and procedures

Drilling for Geology was generously sponsored by Drillpower Qld


Held in Perth on Wednesday 18 June 2014.

Presented by Wilson Gewargis, MinQuest Consultants

Download the PDF presentation here


Held in Brisbane on Friday 11 April 2014.


The seminar focussed on the practical aspects of applying GIS to exploration and mining presented by leaders in the field of Geographic Information Systems.

Technical presentations are available for download here:

JORC Workshop held in Sydney 6 May 2014

A JORC Workshop was held in Sydney 6 May 2014 where presentations were given by Adrian Smythe, Steve Hunt and Ivy Chen.

Adrian Smythe is Manager, Listings Compliance of ASX Limited.
Steve Hunt, the Chairman of JORC, gave a presentation on “Guidance on ASX Announcements”.
Ivy Chen, Senior Specialist (Geology) – Emerging, Mining & Resources at ASIC, gave a presentation on “Resources and Reserve Reporting: ASIC perspective”.

Their presentations can be accessed here:

Geochemistry is the New Black – Geochemical Trials in weathered overburden: defining exploration parameters for Mount Isa-style and IOCG mineralisation in NW Queensland, Australia

Presented by Richard Lilly, Keith Hannan and Mingqui Wang on 8th April, 2014

Download the presentations here

Pushing the Boundaries: Boundary Analysis using Leapfrog, LF Mining and Geo

Ron Reid, Group Resource Geologist, Harmony

Domain boundaries used to constrain mineral resource estimates fall into four general categories i.e. hard, semi-soft and one way.  This talk looks at various ways of analysing drillhole data to determine what type of domain boundary may be present.  This is important because the characteristics of the domain boundary will impact on the method and parameters chosen for the resource estimate.

This presentation (pdf) was presented to the December 2013 AIG Queensland Branch meeting in Brisbane.


Oxidised and Reduced Hydrothermal Signatures in Greenstone Belt Hosted Gold Deposits: Fluid mixing or Muddled Thinking? Advances in Exploration and Ore Deposit Geochemistry

A presentation by Walter Witt at The Geology of Australian Gold Deposits seminar, Perth WA, 6 September 2013.

Click here for the presentation (pptx)

Click here for the presentation (pdf)

GPIC Event November 2013 – Surface Geochemical Sampling in the Murray Basin: How gold mineralisation is detected through Murray Basin Sediments

Geoff Turner of Exploration Management Services was the guest speaker at November 2013’s GPIC Event.

The announcement by CSIRO in Nature Communications (see ) that Eucalyptus trees can store gold in nano-particulate form in leaf and bark tissue has generated a lot of renewed interest in biogeochemical sampling – see for example But biogeochemical sampling was explained to Victorian geologists in GPIC talk #27 in September 1999 by Paul Tracey and Barry Walters where mechanisms of metal accumulation by plants were covered.

But what is the value of the recent announcement of gold accumulation in Australian plants to practising exploration geologists? This talk explains why soil sampling worked at Lockington (covered in a previous GPIC talk, July 2007). The presence of gold and pathfinder metals in soils overlying deeply buried metal deposits is explained, along with why gold and silver report to the clay fraction, and why arsenic and base metals report to the coarse fraction.

Does it work for all soil types?

Click here to download the presentation

JORC 2013 Presentations

YouTube Videos:

PowerPoint Presentations:

AIG-BEDG One Day Seminar: Coal Geology, Exploration and Resource Evaluation

Held in Brisbane on 12 July 2013.

Click on the presenter’s name to download their presentation.

Keynote Speaker:

  • Stephen Wilson: Seeing beyond the current slowdown to Asia’s long-run energy demand growth

Technical Presentations:

  • David Arnott and Sam Reich: Application of the Australian Coal Guidelines in Reporting Resources Under the JORC Code
  • Grant Van Heerdan and Nick Ryan: Challenges with Foreign Data Formats and Geological Confidence
  • Tony Shellshear: New Database Technologies – How they can assist in meeting JORC requirements
  • Mark Noppe:  Resource Classification and Confidence Assessment – first steps using geostatistics
  • Deddi Handiko:  Acid Mine Drainage at Coal Mine
  • David Riley:  Coke Making Fundamentals
  • Andrew Grosser: Big Data and Coal

AIG-BEDG Meeting: High-Res Biogeochemical Exploration Under Deep Cover – a Tanami case study

Presented by Ian Hodkinson in Brisbane, 2 July 2013.

Download the presentation here

East Asia: Geology, Exploration and Mines Conference, Bali Indonesia, May 2013

Click on the following links to access presentations from this conference, made available by presenters.

MEGWA: The Geology and Discovery of the Garden Well Gold Deposit, Western Australia

Presented by Jens Balkau, Regis Resources, Perth, WA, 15 May 2013

Download the presentation here

Sponsored by Regis Resources


AIG WA Branch One Day Seminar- Effective Drilling: The importance of planning

Presented by John Libby, Digirock, March 2013

Download the seminar presentations here

JORC Code May 2013: Changed compliance requirements in the 2012 JORC Code

Please see the below link for the podcast of the JORC presentations.

  • JORC: JORC Code 2012 – Steve hunt
  • ASX: ASX Listing Rule Amendments – James Rowe
  • ASIC: Resources and Reserves Reporting: ASIC Perspective – Bruce Dodd
Download a podcast of this seminar here

MEGWA: Paulsens – Geology and mineralisation. Can little old Paulsens really contain 1 Moz?

Presented by Brook Ekers, Northern Star Resources in Perth, WA on September 19, 2012.

Download the PDF presentation here

MEGWA: Who Dares Wins – The Discovery of the Nova Nickel Deposit

Presented by Mark Bennett, MD, Sirius Resources in Perth, WA.

AIGWA – JORC Discussion Video
AIG’s Western Australia Branch in conjunction with AusIMM recently held a moderated forum in Perth to examine proposed changes to the JORC Code. The forum generated some very lively discussion which was recorded for the benefit of AIG and AusIMM members in other states or those in Perth who couldn’t attend or want to re-visit some of the discussion.Attendees were also provided with a questionnaire to help prepare submissions to the JORC Code review.  Submissions to the review may be lodged with the JORC Committee until 27 Jaunary 2012.

Climate Change Debate
Video of an AIG convened debate examining the case for and against anthropogenic global warming. Professor Ian Plimer put the case against anthropogenic global warming, Gary Warden the case for, and the debate was moderated by Tom Murrell. More than 600 people attended the debate and enjoyed a lively question and answer session at the conclusion of the debate.

Surviving the Downturn
AIG’s WA Branch convened a Surviving the Downturn seminar, held in Perth, 19 March 2009.The seminar was held in response to the dramatic downturn in geoscience employment as a consequence of the global economic crisis, difficulties faced by companies raising capital for exploration and the failure of the Australian Government to act decisively support Australian geoscience by implementing measures to help sustain resource exploration in Australia. The seminar provided timely, relevant and interesting information for geoscientists facing employment difficulties, and helpful and practical ideas to help them survive in difficult times.The information presented at the seminar by professionals from a wide range of fields remains just as relevant today.

How do you know you’re in a world class nickel camp?
Genesis of World Class IOCG Deposits

MEGWA (Mineral Exploration Group Western Australia) informal meetings are held by AIG on the third Wednesday of each month at the Irish Club, Subiaco, featuring both prominent local and international speakers. Members and non-members are welcome to attend. The meetings provide a great opportunity to network with members of the Perth geoscience community.The accompanying videos are of two talks presented in 2009. Steve Beresford: How do you know you’re in a world class nickel camp; and, Nick Hayward: Genesis of World Class IOCG Deposits.

Self-Organised Critical Systems and Ore Formation
Self Organised Critical Systems and Ore Formation: The Key to Spatially Predictive Targeting? was presented by Dr Jon Hronsky to a MEGWA meeting in Perth, 23 June 2009.

Mineral Resource Rent Tax
Mineral Resource Rent Tax seminar was presented by AIG’s Western Australia Branch in July 2010, at the height of the debate regarding the Commonwealth Government’s proposal to introduce a resource rent tax nationally. Talks were presented by Dr Petro Guj, modelling the impact of the proposed tax on a small iron ore project in Western Australia and Simon Bennison, CEO of the Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC). The speakers took questions from the audience following their presentations.