The Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) is the leading professional institute representing geoscientists employed in all sectors of industry, education, research and government throughout Australia. AIG is a not for profit organisation, run by members for members, which aims to advance the skills, status and public perception of more than 3,000 members both within Australia and overseas.
At the 2022 Annual General Meeting, the membership endorsed a new AIG Constitution.
The broad base of the AIG encourages transfer of technical expertise, experience and awareness of issues affecting all aspects of professional geoscience practice. AIG members agree to comply with a strong and enforceable Code of Ethics as a condition of Institute admission. The Code of Ethics is supported by fair and transparent complaints investigation and resolution processes and was amended and adopted at the 2023 AGM.
The AIG Board develops our organisation’s strategic direction. The AIG Strategy for 2023-2025 can be found here.
The Institute’s Board has determined that members must also comply with several standards of best practice, including the JORC Code which regulates public reporting of exploration results, mineral resources and ore reserves by Competent Persons on behalf of Australian and New Zealand Stock Exchange listed companies and the VALMIN Code which is a standard of best practice for mineral securities valuation. Appropriately qualified and experienced members also have access to reciprocal arrangements covering similar public reporting activities in a number of countries overseas.
Members have access to an extensive range of continued professional development opportunities through AIG-organised technical talks, seminars and conferences. These talks, seminars and conferences double as excellent networking opportunities where members can interact and share experiences and ideas with their peers.
Members receive a quarterly member magazine, AIG News, and may elect to receive both national and state-based email newsletters with information about upcoming events and topical issues affecting their profession.
AIG maintains an extensive network of contacts with overseas geoscience organisations to help keep members abreast of issues affecting professional geoscientists globally.
More information about AIG is provided on the pages of this website.
ACN: 002 266 659 ABN: 22 002 266 659