Geoscience Australia Public Talk Series

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Applied Geoscience > Geoscience Australia Public Talk Series

Geoscience Australia hosts regular public talks that provide insight and news about the work undertaken by Australia’s lead public geoscience agency.

The talks cater for a range of technical and general audiences and are delivered by leaders in their respective fields.  These form part of the Geoscience Australia Wednesday Seminars and Distinguished Geoscience Australia Lecturer (DGAL) series.

The schedule of talks is published on the Geoscience Australia web site where you can subscribe to updates by email, Twitter or Facebook.  Relevant talks for AIG members are also regularly included in the AIG events calendar, with links to the Geoscience Australia web site.

If you’re not able to attend a talk in Canberra, selected talks  are recorded and the videos made available by Geoscience Australia for viewing on-line.  The recorded talks are a great professional development resource for geoscientists and members of the public with an interest in geosciences throughout Australia.