2014 AIG Annual General Meeting and Election of Councillors

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > National > 2014 AIG Annual General Meeting and Election of Councillors

The 2014 AGM was held in Brisbane on the 8th April.   The seven nominees for Council were elected unopposed with the unanimous support of members attending the meeting.

We welcome two new councillors:

  • Katarina David (NSW)
  • Adrian Diaz (Qld)

Katarina and Adrian were elected at tonight’s meeting along with five returning councillors:

  • Ian Neuss
  • Mike Erceg
  • Steve Sugden
  • Anne Tomlinson
  • Graham Teale

The new and returning councillors join the following continuing councillors to form the 2014-15 AIG Council:

  • Heather Carey
  • Wayne Spilsbury
  • Jonathan Bell
  • Martin Robinson
  • Andrew Waltho
  • Kaylene Camuti

Welcome to all this year’s councillors and looking forward to an enjoyable and productive year ahead.

Two long-serving councillors stepped down at this AGM:

  • Doug Young
  • Michael Edwards

Doug and Michael have been highly valued members of AIG Council and they will be missed.  Doug has served as an AIG Councillor for over ten years, for many of those years as the Chair of the Membership Committee and a member of the Education Committee. Doug has long been an advocate of increasing the involvement of Graduate members in the AIG and has been instrumental in setting up AIG’s new National Graduate Committee.

Michael has also been an AIG Councillor for several years, much of that time as the Chair of the Ethics and Standards Committee, while also the Chair of the NSW State Branch Committee.   Michael has played a critical role in helping AIG expand its professional networks and technical training opportunities so we’ve become better positioned to provide services to our broader membership.

While Doug and Michael may be stepping down as Councillors, AIG will continue to benefit from their skills and commitment.  Doug will be continuing as a member of the AIG Education Committee and the Queensland State Branch Committee, and Michael will continue in his role as Chair of the Ethics and Standards Committee and with his involvement in the NSW State Branch Committee.

Kaylene Camuti