AIG NEWS 152 December 2023

AIG NEWS 152 December 2023

AIG NEWS 152 December 2023 is Available Now!

In this issue…

A Message From Our President, Strategic Plan, Professional Development Questionnaire 2023, AIG Western Australia Branch, AIG TAS Branch News, AIG QLD News 2023, QLD Awards, AIG Distinguished Service Awards 2023, AIG Bursary Awareness for 2023, Mineral Exploration Insurance, Registered Professional Geo-scientists, New AIG Members, Preliminary Note, Ethics and Standards Committee Update

As the year draws to a close, we want to take a moment to express our sincere appreciation for your unwavering support. We look forward to continuing to serve you in the coming year.

May you and your family have a wonderful holiday season filled with joy and happy memories. From the entire AIG Team, we wish that you have a Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year!

VALMIN Committee Vacancies: express your interest!

VALMIN Committee vacancies: express your interest!

The ‘Australasian Code for Public Reporting of technical assessments and valuations of mineral assets’(the VALMIN Code) sets out requirements for the assessing and valuing mineral assets and securities for public reports  including those appended to prospectuses and independent expert reports. The VALMIN Code was first published in 1995, with subsequent editions published in 1997, 2005 and 2015. It forms a companion code to the JORC Code that is currently under a public review process.

The VALMIN Committee was established to develop and maintain the Code and comprises representatives in equal number from the two parent bodies: The Australian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy (AusIMM) and the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG). The Committee currently has a call for nominations to fill a number of positions and members are invited to submit an expression of interest (EOI). It is anticipated that a VALMIN Code update process will commence after release of the next JORC Code edition.

Participating in a committee is a rewarding experience and a great way to get involved with the AusIMM or AIG, help promote professional standards and meet new people working in the resources sector. This is a volunteer role and candidates must be financial members, be available to attend regular meetings via teleconference, and contribute towards the promotion and update of the Code.

It is intended to refer EOIs to the current committee who will then recommend appointments to the AusIMM and AIG Boards for approval. Candidates will be evaluated against criteria that include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Experience with the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) Listing Rules and Guidance, the Australian Corporations Act, and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Regulatory Guides;
  • VALMIN and/or JORC Code practitioner, including preparing technical assessments and valuations applying the VALMIN Code;
  • Experience in fields such as
    • feasibility study management
    • financial and securities analysis; or
    • environmental, social, governance (ESG) and risk management reporting.
  • Experience with tenement management and valuation codes in different jurisdictions is desirable but not essential.

If you believe you have the background and available time to give to this committee, please submit your expression of interest addressing the above criteria to by COB 20 November 2023. 

DEI Policy

AIG Launches Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy

At the AIG we are proud to announce the launch of our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policy. We are committed to fostering a culture that supports all geoscientists.

This policy will guide our DEI Strategy, which is focused on gaining feedback from our members on their experiences and opinions on DEI, and how the AIG can support them better.

The policy can be accessed here.

International Women’s Day 2023



Both International Women’s Day (March 8) and International Men’s Day (Nov 19) are marked on my calendar as big days of celebration, reflection and calls to action. It’s fair to say the important topics both days highlight are not what an average “water-cooler conversation” touches on. Topics such as gender-based violence, unconscious bias, racism, privilege and equity, to name a few can be difficult, at times sensitive and perhaps even confusing to speak casually about. But it’s important to remember both of these days also celebrate and recognize women’s and men’s lives, achievements and contributions.

Today, on International Women’s Day, as a director of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG), I’m proud the AIG is stepping into the challenge and committing to improving diversity and equity to create an inclusive community for all members and our guests. This commitment is in line with our key values and primary purpose of supporting all geoscientists. It is very clear men, women and people who identify beyond the binary have a vital role to play together, in building a culture of inclusivity and respect for all. Men don’t need blaming and women don’t need fixing – we need our collective status quo updated urgently, for everyone’s benefit. And that is a personal journey that we each must choose to step up and into. Will you join us?

Interested in working in Ireland?

Opportunities exist for a Senior Geologist and Project Geologist to get involved in MVT, SEDEX and Irish-type Zn-Pb-Ag exploration in Ireland.

Click on the image to download a PDF copy of the advertisement.

Interested?  Contact Helen Carr for further details.  Note that you must have approval, or be eligible to secure approval, to work in Ireland to be considered for these roles.

AIG is happy to promote employment opportunities for members.  Contact support@aig,

Latest Australian Geoscientist Employment Survey Open for Contributions

The latest instalment in this survey series covers the final quarter of 2022, from the beginning of October to the end of December.
Geoscientific skills and experience have been in strong demand.  Is this continuing?
The sentiment amongst self employed geoscientists during the final quarter of 2022 was that industry activity had fallen to a lower ebb, possibly associated with increased economic uncertainty.  This was elected by geoscientific professional service companies.  Those we spoke with reported a very quiet quarter to end the year, but signs of an upturn appeared towards the end of the quarter.  Commodity analysts appear to generally believe that fundamentals for most commodities remain strong, especially for copper, gold and battery materials.  Did the events responsible for the suspected slowdown have an impact on employment?
The overall employment trend in the Third Quarter 2022 survey results remained positive, although both unemployment and under-employment rates rose slightly compared to the previous quarter. The unemployment rate amongst geoscientists nationally was 3.5%.  The under-employment rate was 6.3%.
The first survey of every year is delayed by a few weeks to ensure that potential contributors are back to work following Christmas, New Year and the summer holiday season in Australia.
Your information is used in a manner that preserves strict privacy. The survey does not collect any personally identifiable information.  It takes only two minutes or so to complete.
Please encourage colleagues and friends to complete the survey also.  You do not need to be an AIG member.  All geoscientists working or seeking work in Australia are encouraged to contribute.
The survey will be open for contributions until Sunday 26 February so that results can be released in early March, ahead of the first quarter 2023 survey at the end of that month. Please contribute today – every response adds to the quality of the survey results.

Click here to complete the survey

CEO Appointment


CEO Appointment

The Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) is pleased to announce that Jaime Livesey has been appointed by the Board of Directors as Chief Executive Officer of the AIG.

The AIG is the leading Institute representing professional geoscientists employed in all sectors of industry, education, research and government throughout Australia (

Jaime has a background in geoscience and management, with previous roles spanning the oil & gas, mineral exploration and environmental services industries. Jaime has extensive experience in strategic planning, project management and business administration and was most recently the project manager for the JORC Code review.

Chris Dickinson, AIG President said “We are delighted to have Jaime join the AIG as CEO, and look forward to progressing our strategic objectives and expanding our value to our members”.

The primary role of the position is to support our members, assist our volunteer teams who make AIG activities happen and to progress the delivery of AIG’s strategy and objectives. The CEO will report directly to the Board but will engage with the membership through Branches, Committees and industry events.

Jaime can be contacted at:

AGC Formal release of the AGTEP survey

The AGC have just issued a media release to promote the release of the latest Tertiary Education Geoscience report. This is a 5 yearly snapshot of the state of our university education system and when combined with the previous reports shows a long term decline in university enrolments.

You can see the announcement here and the link direct to the media statement here

EXPLORATION RADIO – The BHP Xplor Program with Sonia Scarselli

EP#68 – The BHP Xplor Program with Sonia Scarselli

On this episode, we are joined by Sonia Scarselli, VP of BHP Xplor, a programme initiated by BHP that is dedicated to accelerating innovative, early-stage mineral exploration start-ups to find the critical resources necessary to drive the energy transition.

The BHP Explor Program is searching around the globe for the next generation of explorers that are ready to think about the earth’s minerals systems differently to unlock copper, nickel, and other critical mineral deposits.

Join us and let’s explore.




EXPLORATION RADIO – Defining Discovery with Scott Briscoe – Parts 1 and 2

Defining Discovery with Scott Briscoe episode #66 and episode #67

How can something so fundamental to mineral exploration, like the nature of what constitutes a discovery, have such a poorly accepted industry-wide definition?

Maybe it is like the old adage, if you do not know which port you are sailing to, then no wind is favourable. Does that mean no one can define discovery if everyone can define discovery?

On this episode, we are joined by Scott Briscoe, and we try to understand what constitutes a discovery in mineral exploration.

Join us and let’s explore.
