ASX, in conjunction with JORC, invites you to attend a national education program on the amended listing rules relating to mineral reserves and resources reporting and the JORC Code 2012. The new rules and JORC Code 2012 will become effective on 1 December 2013. ASX and JORC are however encouraging early adoption. The new rules and associated materials are available on the Compliance Downloads page of the ASX website and on the JORC website.
ASX is running a national education program on the new rules in association with JORC, and its parent bodies: AusIMM, AIG and MCA. ASIC will also present on the changes from a Corporations Act perspective. The details and registration links are set out below. Oil and gas reporting will be covered in a separate roadshow in May/June 2013.
Individual events are listed in the AIG Events Calendar section of this web site. Registration is free of charge but essential. Several workshops are already fully booked but members are encouraged to complete the registration form in order to express interest in attending.
Dates and Venues
Perth, 3 April
Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre, 21 Mounts Bay Road, Perth
Adelaide, 11 April
Allianz Centre, 55 Currie Street, Adelaide
Brisbane, 17 April
Pullman King George Square, Pullman Tower, Ann Street, Brisbane
Melbourne, 29 April
RACV Club, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne
Sydney, 1 May
ASX Auditorium, Exchange Square, 20 Bridge Street, Sydney
Dear Geoscience Colleagues,
The highly successful Teacher Earth Science Education Programme (TESEP) is seeking your assistance.
We are collaborating with Earth Science Western Australia (ESWA) to produce case studies that complement their fantastic Earth and Environmental Science (EES) text book.
By updating with Australia-wide examples, the book will more effectively help all Australian teachers when the new Australian Curriculum EES course for years 11-12 is rolled out in the next couple of years. TESEP is encouraging nation-wide adoption of this text and by providing additional complementary case studies we are helping to ensure it is of maximum use across the country.
The book has 19 chapters and we are looking for excellent Australian examples for many areas of text. Each case study will consist of 2 to 6 pages, including research, diagrams, maps and activities. The chapters address minerals, fossils, geological time, plate tectonics, geohazards, energy, resources and the 3 rock types but also embrace soils, water, weather, climate change, human activity, ecosystems and biodiversity. A complete overview is available on the TESEP website:
However, we are not seeking to rewrite the curriculum! You may think there are sections of the book missing but it is written to meet the WA EES curriculum requirements. It will also be revised to meet the national EES curriculum even better in due course but either way it will not cover all possible content. Consequently, if you think you have material that does not fit the chapter headings do not be discouraged. The content touched upon under those headings is wide ranging and many less obvious connections can be made as a result.
I will be personally contacting those in the geoscience community I know that may be able to provide or easily develop some of the material required but I encourage one and all to help.
If you have anything of your own or are aware of materials that might suit our needs please contact me as soon as possible. Obviously, we need to be sure that there are no copyright restrictions on the materials you provide, but even if you just have one classic photo of a particular geological phenomenon that you are willing to send, the Australian teaching fraternity and all future students will be very grateful and your contribution will be acknowledged.
Needless to say, in order to ensure national appeal the case studies will need to have national geographic spread. This means we may have the unenviable task of choosing some over others for the first batch of case studies that we hope to have finalised by October 2013. However, since they are likely to be delivered on-line we should be able to continually add them to the ESWA and TESEP websites as they are written up and inform teachers by email and newsletters.
Greg McNamara is Executive Officer of the Teacher Earth Science Education Programme. Email:
29 March 2013
The Federal Executive of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG) has decided to establish a distinguished instructor short course programme, along the lines of the highly successful Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) DISC programme held annually at both USA and international venues. The ASEG programme will adress topics relevant to both minerals and petroleum exploration geophysics.
The DISC (Distinguished Instructor’s Short Course) programme of SEG is a highly successful project. SEG send a lecturer for one-day course every year all over the world. Sessions are held in Australia at two or three locations. ASEG always offers the DISC seminar to all ASEG branches, but three venues in Australia is usually what the busy schedule of DISC lecturers will allow. SEG’s DISCs are often focused on the cutting-edge technology in petroleum exploration.
ASEG’s new initiative will involve a one-day course for both minerals and petroleum explorers, and aims to fill gaps “between university studies and industrial practice”, “between study of geology/geophysics and exploration” and “between geologists and geophysicists”. It forms a bridge of communication: for geophysicists to understand what geologists want and what we can provide; for geologists to read geophysical data in terms of their geological knowledge.
The first ASEG DISC short courses will take place later this year.
ASEG are also looking for a nice acronym for their programme. Ideas can be submitted to the Chairman of ASEG’s Education Committee, Mark Tingay at the University of Adelaide.
AIG will promote the DISC programme to its members throughout Australia, as courses are announced by ASEG.
2 April 2013
AIG members should have received an email advising members that the 2013 AIG Annual General Meeting will be held in Brisbane on 14th May at the Theodore Club, 333 Adelaide Street. The meeting commences at 6:15 pm and will be followed by the May AIG-BEDG technical talk.
The email sent to members includes a proxy form so that you can have your say in the election of Councillors to be conducted at the meeting. Nominations for Council positions must be received by the AIG secretariat office in Perth by 4:00 pm WST on 10th May 2013.
AIG Councillors are elected for two year terms. Half the Councillors are up for re-election every year. Council meets every two months by telephone conference, and there is usually one face to face meeting each year following the AGM and election. Business at other times is conducted using an on-line management system.
AIG uses an outsourced secretariat that provides essential back-office services and assistance with event organisation, but all other work of the institute is undertaken by volunteers on Council, Council Committees and State Branch committees.
We have been fortunate, and I think that AIG has benefitted, from having Council members throughout Australia who work in a variety of roles in different sectors of the geoscience profession in Australia.
If you are in Brisbane on 14th May, come along to the AGM. Details of nominees for Council will be posted here as they become available.
Andrew Waltho
28 March 2013
Geoscience Australia takes lead sponsorship role in IGARSS2013
The Organzing Committee of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) is delighted to announce that Geoscience Australia has taken the lead role in the sponsorship of the 2013 Symposium (Melbourne, 21 – 26 July 2013). Geoscience Australia is a world leader in providing first-class geoscientific information and knowledge enabling the Australian government to make informed decisions about the use and management of resources, the environment, community wellbeing and sustainable energy.
The IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) is truly a global event which promises to bring together experts engineers, researchers, teachers, scientists and students from around the world to review the latest issues and studies utilising remote sensing technologies for observations of the Earth, oceans, atmosphere and space.
This event presents excellent promotional and networking opportunities for companies, government agencies, educational institutions, research facilities, scientific societies, and others exhibiting the latest in geoscience instruments, equipment, software, books and journals, and scientific programs at the world’s premier annual remote sensing symposium.
Exciting sponsorship opportunities are still available for interested parties. For more details on how you or your organisation can get involved please visit:
The WA Branch of AIG will present a one day seminar on “Drilling – maximising value and effectiveness while minimumising cost” on 11th March 2013 at the Bill Walker Room, Paterson Stadium, Subiaco WA.
Registration from 8.00 am, talks commence at 8:30 am. Some 19 speakers will address a wide range of topics, from planning and compliance, drilling operations supervision, developments in different drilling techniques, drill hole surveying to education and accreditation of driling personnel. A number of case studies are included in the programme to provide a practical illustration of drilling applications and techniques in exploration and resource evaluation.
Registration by 6 March is requested so that catering may be arranged. Click here for the seminar brochure and registration details.
The seminar is generously sponsored by IO Global, Digirock, DDH1 Drilling, Gyro Australia and the Australian Drilling Industry Association.
For further information, please contact Jocelyn Thomson.